Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 14-East Glacier MT to Shelby MT

Leaving the mountains was bittersweet. We've been in the Rockies for last four days since entering Idaho. Now we say goodbye to the Rockies for the Great Plains of Montana.

But each place has it's charm. The Great Plains are massive, rolling and vast. It's bigger that the Rockies. If full of history. Lewis and Clark navigated them on the great rivers. We saw a marker showing Camp Disappointment, (check it out on Wikipedia).

The great challenge of the plains is the heat and lack of places to stop for water. Today, is was 93 degress F. It felt so good to wet down my jersey and my helmut. The 22 mph speed of the bicycle cools quickly through evaporation.

Distance: 72 miles
Time Biked: 407
Ave. Speed : 17
Climbed: 616 ft
Overall distance: 862 miles
Overall climbed: 37526

1 comment:

Jerod said...

Thanks for the regular updates, Paul, and please keep them coming. I've enjoyed following your progress, but this particular update caught my fancy, as I've always had an interest in the Lewis and Clark expedition. Although I've seen little of the plains, I've read about them...will continue praying for you all as you push through some warm, long days.