Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 42-Kewanee to Cornell

This past weekend was very special. After riding on Saturday with Debbie and Dan Berg, we all visited Kathy and Dominic Ascone, more old friends from my days at North Area YFC. It was a great time. Kathy and Dominic took us to "The Crossing" a really imaginative church in Macomb IL. And, then I saw Arnold Bandstra, my old post advisor from Post 104. We had a super time of reconnecting. Such as great time with old friends.

After a day of rest in Kewanee, and a great stay with our sponsoring church, Zion Lutheran with a super couple, Jim and Margaret, who welcomed Stuart and I into their home, we set out again ... this time for Cornell IL.

The bean and cornfields are impressive. They all look to be in great shape and will give great yields. We crossed the Illinois River and the Vermillion River which I canoed down as a Scout and an Explorer.


One big lesson our riders learned was about "road tar". Five riders headed off after lunch on a very tarry road and got mired down and covered in tar and gravel.

90 degree heat and 80 percent humidity made our final hour into Cornell...memorable.

Distance: 83 miles
Time Riding: 5:15
Average Speed: 15.7 mph
Overall Distance: 2615 miles

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Hey Paul -

Looks like the trip is going well for you guys. Man, what an opportunity to see so much of the good ol' US of A! I'll keep praying, as you keep on trucking!

Be blessed, Bethany